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stupid ♥

i really is a stupid !!!

i cant understand  I CANT

maybe your hobbies is playing 

playing girl's feelling

that is your happy but that girl???

is hurt you know?

why you call me ???

why you message me??


your aim is????

can you told me??

i really tak boleh tahan you 

i going crazy

i really hate you 

how you treat miii

i wont forgot..!!!!



love you ♥

after dance ♥


吵不散的才是爱 ♥



吵架,我想大多数的情侣都会碰到过,彼此越是喜欢,而越容易吵架  明明知道是很小的一点事,却到最后是那么的生气,互相挂掉电 话,接下来就是冷战  其实这个道理他一直都懂,他知道这是在乎的表现,所以他对她的爱从来就没有动摇过  如果只有他那么想,那最后肯定有一方会承受不 住的,因为他也不敢确定她是不是和他想的一样.

谈恋爱的人,是不是能较好地交流,这 可 不一定。有时,相爱的人反倒不能交流。林黛玉最爱贾宝玉,爱得不要命,可是一见面就吵、就哭。越是相爱就越容易吵架。薛宝钗为什么不跟贾宝玉吵呢?因为她 不爱他。女孩子喜欢谁就跟谁吵,这一点对男士有极大的参考价值! 一个人对另外一个人的感情如果很一般,就很客气,很有礼貌,很尊重人家跟你不同的东西, 有一种求同存异的倾向;而感情越好,对对方越关心,求同的倾向越强,达到一个峰值,也就是最高点,就接近全面求同。明知对方对自己有感情,感情强烈,就越 不讲理、苛刻,有点专制了。

所以今天我就详细的把吵架分析一下,希望看了的人能够看 懂,把话读透!相爱的男女朋友 对方的一举一动都细细的看在眼里,会胡思乱想很正常的,所以,当你有了男(女)朋友之后 请对其他异性保持一定距离. 好好的去珍惜你身边那位会约束你,会吃你醋的人吧 不要觉得他(她)不讲道理,因为要讲理,那就做普通朋友好了,普通朋友不会约束你 并且永远都会尽量顺 着你,讲好听的给你。

相爱的情人任何的吵闹,嫉妒,猜忌,孩子气,都是合理正常的。 因 为他(她)重视你,重视你们之间的一切 才会情感敏感而强烈.如果现在的你,正因为你的男(女)朋友无理取闹而生气,请拿起电话打给他(她)吧 冷战时期 其实对方都想要给对方打电话,但互相也是在等着对方的电话,就是因为彼此都这么想 所以既难受又生气,甚至越想越气,最后闹的是不可开交,所以在他遇到这 种情况的时候 他都是第一个说话的人,因为他知道她是那么的爱他,他也是那么的爱她,男人就应该让着自己心爱的女人 这个因为换个角度想一想你也是幸福中 的人啊! 

好好的珍惜你身边为了一点小事而吃醋生气的人吧,因为你拥有着这样的深深 爱 着你的人是——幸福! 情人心里面容不下一粒沙子,哪怕是很小很小.真正爱你的人是容不下你和异性单独聊天或单独出去的 。 为什么要珍惜男(女)朋友?因为对方很爱你,会甘心情愿为你做很多事,很多普通朋友不会帮你做的事你的男(女)朋友都会为你去做。《 打出来的男、女人嘴服,疼出来的男、女人心服。》   总之吵架的根本原因就是真爱和在乎的混合体!!这可是一份最真最真的幸福噢~ 





女人明知道你们之间没有未来,却情愿留在你身边做个普通朋友,不是她太贱,只是她舍不得 . 

女人故意在你面前提到别的男人,不是她花心,只是想要刺激一下你,让你多在乎她一点 . 

女人不主动打电话、发信息给你,不是不想你,是她不够自信,你接到电话、短信时,是否也同样的想念她 . 




男人      其实你不懂

29/7 ♥

 today no nid tuition
reason is 

today is 29th ♥

but i have work at 2.30pm
mii ♥ cc ♥ wen qi ♥ yen ling

4 assistant teachers ♥

take care of super children ♥

after children all go..
we have a small meeting kakax..

so happy

all sisters together 
we talking about our mind ♥

i'm care about you 

you must be strong...♥
dun cry anymore  


sometimes i so confuse 

i can help many pairs of couple recorve

i can help their relationship

but in my relationship 

i'm a loser

i dun not know the reason at where?

izit i'm not understand at he?

i just wan a guy that love dearly to me protect me ♥

just like that ==''

sad case 

no nid care it  ♥



mii ♥ wen qi ♥ pei jie ♥ wenqi's sis

go prima badminton court ♥

38 wen qi ♥

cutie peijie ♥

take by pei jie ♥

after playing badminton
mami straight fetch me to 富丽华 that at prima ♥

my grandmother's sis  birthday ♥

family ♥

she is a intelligent girl ♥

she alway say she is princess ==''

share something about she with you all ♥

one day 

her mami take out rotan and scolded she 
after she bath 

she told her mami

'mami i dislike you take out rotan and scold me lorr, we cannot sit down and slowly say mehh'

she still in 5 years old

she mami drink a little bit red wine

she dun wan ignore her mami

she hate that she mami drink wine

she say it is hurt your body 


birthday's cake♥

family ♥

2 small girl ♥



21st ♥

today my bro friend's  ty parker  fetch me to tuition 

lucky got he

he is a nice guy 

today is his birthday


on the road to super
i ask he a question

you didt go out celebrate meh?

he told me  


then i call he come to my house at night

after tuition 
mummy fetch mi go buy CAKE

around 8pm

he and his friends reach my house

my mummy fetch us to 21st

my drink

 this was my supper

fried ice-cream

see this birthday guy 
use the fork and knife like a baby ==

after we teach

around 930pm
they come to my house 

his birthday cake

when we sang birthday song 
he was shy.. muahaha

he going blowing the candle

he and his friends


 they wan he took up the candle
with his mouth

he got the cake on his face

handsome ?

 second time

still lan ying ==

my look for today

it was a happy day :-D

please dun play my feeling


mama's birthday ♥

it was my mama's birthday...

we go celebrated on 20/7 

before that  i had work in super

before work

 around 8pm 
we reach  ''sai gong''
 1st cuisine 

dragon prawn ♥

 it's eyes are fierce

it so nice 

white colour is it meat 

just this prawn already RM700++
but it is nice ♥

lala ♥

it so sweet ♥

crab ♥

七星斑 ♥

that day i drink a lot of beer ♥
i thought that we have order 20 bottle ==''

head of dragon prawn♥

chicken wing ♥

end of this day ♥

4J class ♥

chloe and xue yan ♥

me and shuang ♥

chloe and mii ♥

they was nice friends ♥

after school

mii  qing yen  wan rou  CC

4people taking picture ♥

around 2pm

waiting mr.lik  came and fetch ♥

we go order mc-D

and bring it back super ♥

our happiness lunch ♥

 thx you  CC ♥

night ♥

his sister date mii ♥

so surprise ♥

she bring me go JUSCO ♥

 so shy that she but 6piece if donuts to me 

it so expensive @@''

thx you  jiejie ♥

it's really delicious ♥

after that we having our dinner at REST 1 ♥

we saw leng luiiii ♥

voonvoon bebe ♥

she really have girl's temperament ♥

after finish 

she send me back home 

she send me 2 handbags ♥

thanks you jiejie ♥

you are love dearly to me ♥

i'm really so happy to meet you ♥ 

and thank you tips to me 
i will thinking clearly ♥

- END -


unbelieve ♥


i feel sleepy

i'm already sleep early 

duno wat reason make me feel sleepy


i'm lazy 



yesterday nitez


u message


i still in fuzzy state @@

u told me that u regret



i wont believe

you have lied to me many time

believe u just hurt myself

i'm not FOOL !!


3/8 ??

u still remember ?


last time i told u

u still remember how u response to me??

i wont forgot how you hurt me

sorry that i bluff you a thing

but i thing that lie is nice

i got tried to restore this relation



at that moment u still scold me

say a lot of thing to hurt me

a thing i hate is

u call that girl on call with me

i wont forgot this all


i want to  refuel of my revision

exam is near to me




metro point ♥

i went go wif my baobei - cincai

before out ♥


pitiful look

 around 2pm
her mother came and fetch mii ♥

reach metro point
they find their boyfriend

jz me alone T.T

bt cincai didt leave me alone too

me go chiong K ♥

so sorry 

cincai help me pay RM10 

in music boxx

we are fun and COOL

she gt her boyfriend hug..

lucky me also got scarves

after chiong K

we went out and watching singing competition

we really BEH TAHAN

ran out metro to warm our body...

that moment is so worm and happiness ♥

after that 
we go take picture ♥

 i love this so much 

 peace ♥ yeah

i love this also ♥

smelly xDD

normal ♥

she is so SLIM !! ♥

10years friendship ♥

my head is big ><''

 suddenly i meet my bro at there!!

he already become SEAFOOD!!!



he invited me to eat 

around 6.30pm

my bro  bro's girlfriend  her friend me

4person go oldtown yamcha 

her friend say 
1 years didt saw me
i'm slim jor many 

 so FAKE!!!!
i fat already lorr
dai jieee

after that 
her friend boyfriend is taking she back

we also back home

today is a nice day ♥
i'm happiness now