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如果你们还是那么多意见 制造那么多问题 那你们来担任我这个职位吧!



Assignment ♥

Haizz.. What is meaning of ASSIGNMENT ><'' FED UP~

This morning just settled my Basic Shorthand's test... It was quite easy... ♥ I hope that I can achieve a good result in this test~ GOD BLESS

# Do you know that you are freaking fake? I don't know what should I do.. How old are you? Please lah~ nowadays, you are 18 years old.. study in college.. not in primary not in secondary school.. CHEAT?? Your action are soooooo obvious.. Haizz.. Before the exam, you already snapped those answers inside your phone album.. D asked you, are you gonna cheat? You still answered her you won't.. but at the end what were you doing?? Arghhh.. the thing that I dislike is you still posted at twitter " you hoped that you will get a good result of your paid off " what's your paid off?? snapped those answers in your phone?? BULLSHIT

# This was the first time that before the exam we didn't call each other...

`__ I miss my GIRLS... ♥



Hey, I'm back... ♥

I think that I start my college almost half years ago.. I'm already adapt in my college's life..My colleagues are super funny and friendly.. My class is joining with other senior ♥ Fortunately, our class are joining with them, if not.. i think our report can not done it before the expire date >,< I got 3 seniors.. they will share their information to us and step by step teaching us how to do... Besides, my colleagues are damn funny too... I love them so much.. we got a lot of fun when we are together.. one of our class.. she is so attractive by Africa/Indian guys.. Woohoo~ AMAZING

Although my college do not have a lot of students, but there are a advantage too.. lectures in my college are so nice.. they will listen to you.. they will care about you... sometimes, some of the lectures will make a lot of fun or some game to use for release of stress :) How good of them?? (Y)

Other than that, our college still got a lot of programs.. 17 August, our class will present an opening dance in an events that created by DCA seniors.. that are a gathering event for our college... ♥

College is nice but there are a lot of stress.. CLASS TEST, REPORT, ASSIGNMENT, PRESENTATION, HOMEWORK, FINAL EXAM and etc.. those stuff will attack you continuously~ NON-STOP!!!

Lastly, every day take train to college is a super tired action for me too.. our course need to wear uniform and HIGH HEEL !!! Do you know the feeling that you need to wear a pair of high heel in a whole including taking train :(

I was falling in sick almost 7 week ago.. ~

Tomorrow is my Basic Shorthand's test... FIGHTING for my future ♥

`__There are no any excuses for you to turn back or give up.. LOOK FORWARD~!!!!! ♥


First day of my COLLEGE's life ♥

今天是我第一天踏入大学 一路上大塞车.. 囧 
11点上课 我询问我的班级后 乖乖地坐在班上 看见同学顺序而来 最后班上只有6位学生 但属于DES的学生只有4位...3位华人(包括我本身)还有一位印度女子.. 感觉很安静 很安静~ 老师都是讲英文的 有的时候 我也听到蛮混乱的 毕竟我不是英文底的.. :( 要追上大家的进度看起来好像有一点点难度 但毕竟不能选择逃避 因为吃亏的会是自己本身嘛~ 所以看来我好像只能加倍努力 明天正式上课了 加油加油加油!而且好好笑的是 这个月的时间表一星期只上两天课 @@'' 很无言呗?好事还是坏事呢?不懂不懂 ><'' 

我身边的朋友姐妹还有我自己 要开开心心 幸幸福福地



接受新阶段 ♥

时间啊时间 我觉得我这一辈子总输给了时间 时间的确能证明很多事物的真相 但他也夺走了谁多宝贝的时光 它也能给了我不少残忍的结局 它也让我忍受了不少委屈 我这世也许最怕的就是时间....

很快很快 我结束了中学生涯 看见朋友一个一个地离我而远去 坦白说 真心的 有几个?最不想看见的事情 也发生了.. 但上天对我不薄 一群朋友因为毕业而渐渐改变 渐渐冷淡 它让令一群朋友围绕在我身边疼爱我 在乎我 关心我... 若我离开了... 你们是否还会记得我的存在?
考完大考 总觉得距离拿成绩的日期还有好长好久 好啦 终于等到领取成绩的时候 又感觉时间过的好快 接下来 又想到距离踏入大学的日子还很漫长 结果 如今倒数2天 我就要离开这边 一个人到陌生的地方生活 一个人的生活 我从未试过 我是否应付得来?坦白说 其实我好害怕...

一个人的早晨 一个人的早餐 
一个人的午时 一个人的午餐
一个人的夜晚  一个人的晚餐 
一个人的深夜 一个人的思念
一个人的步行 一个人的求学

我真的能应付得来吗?谁能知道我在深夜听见声音会有恐惧?那时的我应该拨打什么号码向某人求救呢?我是否能一个人搭巴士到大学?我是否能一个人步行到外想用餐?好多疑问 ~
是不是每个人都会经过这一个阶段?这算不算是人生的其中一部分?这算不算是成长的过程?我离开了 大家会不会把我给忘了?忘了我这平凡的一位女生... 不给别人带来什么样的欢乐 样貌也不比别人来的怎么靓丽 偶尔给人带来麻烦讨厌 一位普通女生....   [ :( ] 

上了大学 也许会是自己改变了 而不是他人 是否会变得安静?成熟?孤僻?寂寞? 不懂 ~
我只懂这是我这一生人第三个阶段 这新的阶段 我要好好把握 好好珍惜 好好加油我知道这是最后一个时光能让我改变以后的人生 未来的路 就得靠这一个阶段来好好打造 叶淑仪!你非好好加油不可!我要好好加油 我要成功 我要做个充满自信的女强人!♥ !我相信我能的 只要有信心 万事都有可能!加油 加油 加油 加油  给自己多多的加油 [给力] [给力] 

自己的人生有自己去决定 一阵子的辛苦 一辈子的成功 只要熬过这2年半 接下来的日子一定会轻松多了 ^~^



99个 ❤





最后只数到扑满里只有97 心想也许是自己想太多啦

刚开起背包 发现还有一张 98?我不信这么巧 我仔细检查完宝宝 结果真的还有一张 99〜但又如何 99的含义你懂么?即使你懂 你也不会实行 天啊 别再作弄我了 我想解脱 别再时不时让我遇见矛盾知道一些事件 我想放下 狠狠地放下 就狠狠地 狠狠地〜